ADA Website Compliance
Does your website need to be ADA compliant? The short answer is Yes!
Does your website need to be ADA compliant? The short answer is Yes!
If you are reading this, you may have heard about numerous companies being sued because people with disabilities cannot access certain features and/or content of websites. If an individual is unable to access content on your website or can access it but only with a lot of extra effort that’s considered a barrier and may be a violation of the American’s with Disabilities Act.
You can use this free tool to evaluate your current site for various levels of accessibility
Does your website need to be ADA compliant? The short answer is Yes!
Now we are guessing your next question is going to be how much it costs to make a website ADA compliant.
The cost to bring your website into ADA compliance depends on a number of factors which will all be outlined in the discovery phase ($100-$200). During the discovery phase one of our developers will review the website code to determine the amount of work to bring it into compliance considering things like the age, size, and complexity of the website. If you have an existing WordPress website that was built recently by a reputable web developer, the cost could be as little as $800 for a brochure type website with fewer than 10 pages. However, the cost to make all necessary updates to ensure that your website is compliant could range from $1,000 – $3,000 or more. Please feel free to contact us with any questions.